Science is an infinite and beautiful journey of discovery, and the arts is the discovery of the infinite beauty reflected everywhere in the universe. Two sides of the same coin, with each providing a unique perspective. Art for me is capturing and reflecting; it is the creative outlet through which I can deepen my understanding of the world and my own experiences, while creating something meaningful worth sharing.

One important characteristic of the universe is its dualistic nature. Polar opposites are many, and the dichotomy between any two, gives the human mind the opportunity to know. The purpose to why we are here, is to know.

To further explore this dualistic nature, we shall choose the two opposing and fundamental colours: Black and White. Black, can be seen as the absence or cradle of all colors, multiplicity, and creative imagination. White, scientifically speaking, and as cliché as it may sound, contains all colors; it can be proven by breaking the sun’s light with a prism. It represents the essence, totality, and simplicity. The harmony between these two, the black and the white, create endless possibilities.

These perspectives, reflections, and reasons, are why I find black and white photography so beautiful, because through it I can capture the essence of something, while shedding light on the details that make that very thing special, interesting, or peculiar. It is a style of photography that can show the eye what lies behind the veils of our own perceptions.

Let me assure you, my philosophical ramblings are in no way a demonstration of my photographic skills or abilities. I am a student of the process and I am always learning.